It's my 28th Anniversary !!
28 years ago, I was a messed up young lady searching. I remember the day I decided I was ready to get married. My only problem was, there was no man in my life. Oh, some flitted in and out, but no one special.
I was so fed-up with the prospects in my area, I decided to quit my job and move to California with a friend. I had going away parties and sell offs of personal possessions. In the final months before I was to depart, I met him. DAMN !!! He was someone I had met before, thinking just maybe he was the one. But it did not work out then. And here he was. I told him I was moving, but ( little did I know how he worked), he kept at me. Finally, I started to wavier. Then a series of events occurred to change the course of my life forever. I was pregnant. Moving was now out of the question.
So I did move. In with Dave. Then we were married on Jan 8, 1983.
Would I change anything ? NO ! I have a beautiful 28 years old daughter who is married to an amazing man. They have 3 beautiful angels, my trio is what I call them.
11 years after my daughter, I was gifted with my son. Little did I realize 11 yrs earlier what a gift my daughter was.
Every year I tell my husband, I can't believe I've been with the same man for this long.
Here's hoping for 28 more !!!