Fri, March 11, 2011. ( I need to write down the events so I can remind myself, NEVER AGAIN !!)
There were Winter Storm Watches posted all morning. Then they were Winter Storm Warnings, with blizzard strength winds. And yes it was my night to work and I was still going.
Time to leave for work, now we have Blizzard warnings, but, the highway is still open, so I'm going. I have never been stuck and always made it to work, ( a phrase I just told my mother last week, damn ! No wood to knock on after I said it ) I should have turned back, but I got to Big Chief OK, and after the freeway, I kept going. 3o miles an hour was as fast as I could go. Sometimes 5 miles an hour until the 51 mph gusts subsided. Yet I still pushed on. I passed the Ten Mile Lake road thinking OK, straight shot.
I got oh, so close. 10 miles out. And crap, I got stuck. Not bad I was still mostly on the road, but my tires were spinning. I called the county sheriff to let them know where I was and I was stuck.
Along came a vehicle . I rolled down the window and he asked if I was OK. I said yes but I was stuck. He offered to push me out because he said I was not that far in. We got me out, and then we were caravaning to Elbow Lake. 3 miles out, he got stuck. Josh, the young mans name, came and sat in my van. He called his mom and a friend who was going to try and come get us. Well, the friend got stuck too. So we decided to just wait it out.
Josh, as it turns out, is the son of a guy I graduated with. His grandmother was my husband Dave's supervisor years ago at the state hospital. Dave and I knew his parents when they were dating and got married. Small world.
We spent the night talking about a little of everything. Goofy things, heavy things, philosophical, personal failures and triumphs. We covered alot. I was prepared and had a full tank of gas. We were warm, had company and water and food. ( I always go prepared).
About 6:05 am, the wind just stopped. Oh it was still blowing but a 15 mph was less than 40-50. I saw headlights coming our way.He passed and then, turned around. It was Josh's friend.
We followed him into Elbow Lake and I made it to work 8hrs after the start of my shift.
So, my record is squashed. I have been stuck in a blizzard. However no one had to risk their life to rescue me, thank goodness.
And I met an amazing young man, 23 yrs old, who spent the night with a woman older than his mom and we had a fairly pleasant evening, keeping each other company and sane.
I will never attempt to "make it to work" when the weather is that bad again !!