Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advent season aka - Christmas

Hard to believe in a few short days, Christmas will be here. The Christmas 24/7 has started on the radio stations, people talking about already having their trees up. UGH !!! I'm still digesting my Thanksgiving meal and just finishing up the leftovers.
I have started thinking about the family get together and what food to bring for that. My son has picked a song to play for the get together. I did purchase 2 new Christmas CDs ( I usually purchase 1-3 a year), both artists that my son likes ( and so do I ).
It still doesn't FEEL like Christmas. No snow on the ground is my guess. It's all so brown and green yet. Depressing. I need to find the feeling in me I guess. Maybe I need a marathon of Rudolph / Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Frosty. Break out the popcorn and candy canes, I think it's working !!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for. Home, family, life, job, community, health, and freedom.
-In these hard economic times, I am SO thankful I still have my job, and if my current position was eliminated, I would still have a job somewhere because I have enough seniority.
-My community tries to do the best for everyone, although at times you don't see it personally.
-Health wise, I have been smokefree since 1986. It's been long enough now, most people don't remember when I did smoke.
-My home may not look like much, but it's mine, owe less than half of its taxable value, and can make the house payments without playing Russian Roulette with the bills.
-My FAMILY is the most precious and important thing in my life here on earth. I would cease to exist without them all. I have to let them go as they get older, and that's a hard one. But they live on in my heart and memories.
-My freedom is something I try not to take for granted. I can write a letter to the editor and say how I feel. I can choose to be who I want and live where I want.
-I guess all of the above expresses why I'm thankful for my life.
As long as there is love in your heart, you can accomplish anything !!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shadow- My "little boy"

Our 3 1/2 yr old cocker spaniel died today. He was diagnosed with lymphoma early this fall. Shadow was a black dog with the sweetest eyes and such a warm personality. He will be missed terribly.
Pets have such a way of burrowing into your heart. The love they give is so unconditional and free. I think that's why it's so easy to spoil them. They show instantly the excitement that fills their entire being. That was our Shadow.
It would be so easy to say, never again. But, the love you deny yourself is great.
Peaceful sleep little boy. I'll see you again in heaven.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Day After

Well, it's Sunday and the Movie Marathon is over. Allen and I hit the couches after church,11:30am, and just now, 4:30 pm, have started moving around.
27 youth showed up, with each bringing individual snacks. They played games, watched 4 movies, lots of talking and munching, and just fellowship. Our new youth director did great !!
I heard kids talking about next year. Gotta sleep on that before I comment .

PS When I saved this picture to my computer, I labeled it, 2pooped2pee. I NOW know what that feels like.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Movie Marathon

Traditionally, for the past 20 years, our church has a movie marathon for the Youth Group. Well, TONIGHT'S the NIGHT !! Our new youth director will be experiencing his first movie marathon. The kids in church look forward to this every year and it's something for the younger kids to aspire to be part of when they are in youth group.
As I mentioned, this is the youth directors 1st marathon. Last year I helped the new, then, youth director ( she's since left ) . When we interviewed for the position again this year, that was one of my questions. Can you pull an all nighter ? So I will be helping again this year. It is fun to be part of and getting to know the youth better.
So on Sunday I won't be worth a done, struggling to stay awake. And it will all be done with a smile on my face.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today is a special day. We honor all the men and women who served our country so we might be free.
Locally, our VFW has started putting up flags in honor of each individual who has served. It was quite a sight to see the 1st year they went up. Each year the numbers have grown.

On one such day, my granddaughters were in the van and they were in awe of all the flags. I explained that each flag was for a person who was in a war or in the service, and they fought for our freedom. I explained that means you can be whoever and whatever you want to be. They seemed to grasp that well.

For all my freedoms I take for granted, I wish I could say thank you. But by making sure we teach our kids how important our freedom is, we are saying thank you. Ensuring that the sacrifice they made won't be forgotten.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another birthday !!

My granddaughter, Karley, turns 5 today!! Amazing !! She was just a baby, the younger sister, always trying to play catch up to the older 2. Well, now she holds her own with her sisters, and has a smile that will melt January snow to slush.
I had lunch with her last Thursday. Karley just recently got glasses. I was young when I needed glasses also. So I told Karley how pretty her glasses are and how big she looks now. And, she does. Next thing I know, she'll be 10, then 15. Be still my heart. I need to learn to cherish each day I have with my angels, making memories. My immortality will be Grandma stories for years to come. I have plenty of my own grandma stories from my grandmothers to learn from.
Happy 5th Birthday Karley !

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Whats the matter with people?

As I drove home from work this morning, I have a 20 mile commute to and from work, I noticed quite a bit of litter on the road. Mind you I was just on that road yesterday, and there was appr. 70% less. All that I can think of is the deer hunters ? I saw McDonald's paper bags, wrappers and white plastic bags.
Remember the commercial with the Indian looking at a landfill full of trash, turning towards the camera, and a tear was running down his cheek ? Well, that's how I feel this morning, disheartened that people still litter our beautiful country without a care.
My family has been very cautious about littering, and even pick up after others. I want my granddaughters and their granddaughters to have the same clear skies and clean water that I had as a child. Is that too much to ask for ????

PS That would be me behind the tree holding the bag !!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I have 2 children, a 26 yr old daughter and a 15 yr old son. Both never cease to amaze me. Their compassion for others is inspiring. My daughter always is and has always been the first in line to help a friend. And as of Wed, I found out, so is my son.
Wednesday, the high school orchestra toured the local elementary schools, playing songs at each school. Over lunch, they were on their own as far as where to eat. My son, Allen, had a 10.00 bill to buy lunch with. A fellow student thought they would be going back to school for lunch, so had no money to eat with. Allen shared his money so his classmate could have lunch. And then with a 1.00 and some cents left, Allen went back up to get them each an apple pie for dessert. I told Allen, this is why I always send extra because you never know whats going to happen.
My heart bursts with pride and love. What insiring children I have been blessed with. Thank You God !!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birthdays were better when I was younger

My 2nd granddaughter is 6yrs old today. So, her mom is 6 years older than she was the day Kylah was born. Which means, I'm 6 yrs older. That's when the the joy of birthdays end for me. When I start calculating how much older I am with each grandchild's birthday.
I'll just concentrate on making memories for them to remember when they get to be MY age. Like I remember birthdays with my grandma.
Happy Birthday Kylah !!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time Change

I woke on Saturday morning, and started changing all the clocks in the house 1 hr back. My thinking was to be prepared. I spent the rest of the day totally confused and second guessing my every move, wondering what time is it really was. I won't do that again. I spent all day Sunday trying to get myself used to the new time, after being off all day Saturday.
It might be nice if the time never changed. Keep it so the days are just lighter earlier. They seem to do just fine in Alaska. Maybe "Alaska" someone who lives there and get there opinion ?!