I have 2 children, a 26 yr old daughter and a 15 yr old son. Both never cease to amaze me. Their compassion for others is inspiring. My daughter always is and has always been the first in line to help a friend. And as of Wed, I found out, so is my son.
Wednesday, the high school orchestra toured the local elementary schools, playing songs at each school. Over lunch, they were on their own as far as where to eat. My son, Allen, had a 10.00 bill to buy lunch with. A fellow student thought they would be going back to school for lunch, so had no money to eat with. Allen shared his money so his classmate could have lunch. And then with a 1.00 and some cents left, Allen went back up to get them each an apple pie for dessert. I told Allen, this is why I always send extra because you never know whats going to happen.
My heart bursts with pride and love. What insiring children I have been blessed with. Thank You God !!
That's really heart warming. Of course, when it comes to generosity, that boy had a marvelous teacher. I'm proud of you both!