For Christmas this past year, we planned to give our son a dog, or that was our plan ( just a dog from the Humane Society). After telling his older sister our plans, she found a cocker spaniel puppy on Craigslist. Well, after some discussion ( and after my hubby found out it was a Cocker Spainiel) we decided to get her. She came with the name Buffy ( ugh), but she now is a Sophie.
After the death of our Shadow in Nov. we all had a huge hole in our lives. I was getting more depressed all the time. So enter Sophie- she will be a 1 year Feb 5, 2010. She instantly took to the granddaughters and was introduced to our family the day we celebrated Christmas on Dec 23. The hole has been covered ( but never fully healed).
That's Sophies story, how she became a Nelson.
Well she has been very leery of the basement. Today I was doing laundry, and she stood at the top of the steps crying. SOOooo, I came up and picked her up then went back down. We listened to the washer running, then I put her down. She proceeded to check things out. When I was ready to go back upstairs, she was leery of going up the steps. So, I went down and got her, and let her run up the stairs in front of me. Sophie ran over to the other dogs all excited like she really accomplished something. She did. Her fear of the basement has lessened, and now she knows whats down there.
A note, Sophie arrived with the traditional Cocker Spaniel cut. However, I have no time to maintain it, so she will have a no mess no fuss cut after her next grooming, for those of you who may meet Sophie someday. Sophie is a sweetie and thanks to our daughter, a new member of the Nelson household.