I can FEEL Spring in the air. The snow is melting, the days are warmer, and the days are longer. In fact you can SMELL Spring coming.
Next Sat, March 13 we get to "Spring Ahead" , so the sun will be out even longer !! I love spring, and the " In like a lion out like a lamb" concept.
This spring I am yearning for the butterflies and flowers they live for. I can't wait to feel blades of grass on my bare feet as I walk on the green lawn.
Spring is also the time we all remember Jesus and his thoughtful and selfless gift for us all. Spring is a rebirth after a long winter of simulated death. Jesus gives us the same, a chance at eternal life after death.
I LOVE SPRING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really write a beautiful blog! I'm so proud of you and all of your accomplishments.