Halloween, really ??? Check the stores. It's Christmas !
They put the Halloween things out in September right after school starts. Then beginning October, all the Christmas stuff starts pushing the Halloween things off to the side.
Must be my age. I remember more days in between the days of Falls big events. Halloween seemed to be the big event and trying to figure out the costume you would wear and WHO you were going Trick or Treating with.
Thanksgiving my have 2 days in some places as holiday paydays, but it really is not well recognized.
Then the bustle for Christmas. .....................................alright, that's your breath to take before the season is upon you. I love the family time together and seeing the kids open presents. I love trying new recipes and enjoy the old standards. As I get older, the family togetherness remembering Christmases past and the people that went with them means more and more.
But I just wish it didn't have to go so fast.
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