2010, What a big number !! When I was young the thought of the year 2000 brought a cold foreboding feeling of the distant future. Now, it's ten years after that. Makes a person start to think of their own morality.
I have days when I feel young and in disbelief that I'm 50. And other times, I feel every bit of those same 50 years. My 15 yr old son helps keep me young though. For him, I try to stay up on the things that go on in his life. My 3 granddaughters also keep me young, just trying to keep up with them !
I'm now at the age where retirement looks much more appealing. The freedom to be available to do anything I want, when ever I want. I could very easily be a traveler. Seeing places and visiting with old and new friends.
Until that day, I'll just have to live " One day at a time", as the saying goes. Or one year at a time. 2010 brings with it a few milestones for me. My son will be 16 this year and have his drivers license. My daughter will be 27. I will have been married 27 yrs. I have a Mission Trip this summer I am going along on with my son for a week. ( A week with teenagers traveling on a bus, help ! )
Well, Happy New Year !! My resolution, Enjoy everyday to the fullest !!