Today is my husbands birthday. His dessert of choice for this special day? Coconut Cream Pie !! He will eat cake occasionally but never has been a big fan. So, pie it has always been. My daughter is the same way. Her pie or dessert of choice is Dutch Apple pie ( or just plain Apple Crisp ).
In today's world, cakes come from a box and frosting from a can. A store bought cake is an option, but pricey. A pie, however, takes time and effort. A store bought crust is usually used, but pies are all about the filling.
The a fore mentioned cream pie, has been a trademark of mine so to speak. When I worked in a large state hospital facility, I was asked to bring my pie for every special occasion. When the word spread I brought my pie, people came from all over the campus to get a piece. A long departed friend had a slice one time, and he said it was the best pie he had ever eaten.
So, the hubby gets his pie, and a round of HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU'S , on this, his 54th birthday. Here's to you old man !!!!
I'm getting hungry just thinking about your pie.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about cakes not being as special as the once were.
You and your hubby have a nice day!